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BCS Review: ১১ তম বি সি এস প্রিলি পরীক্ষার প্রশ্নের সমাধান - ইংরেজি অংশ

১৯. `Justice delayed is justice denied' was stated by -

ক. Shakespeare

খ. Emerson

গ. Gladstone

ঘ. Disraeli

উত্তর : গ. Gladstone

২০. `syntax' means -

ক. Supplementary tax

খ. Sentence building

গ. Manner of speech

ঘ. Synchronizing

উত্তর : খ. Sentence building

২১. Choose the correct sentence -

ক. He was hunged for murder

খ. He has been hunged for murder

গ. He was hanged for murder

ঘ. He had been hunged for murder

উত্তর : গ. He was hanged for murder

২২. Choose the correct sentence -

ক. The rich is not always happy

খ. Rich is not always happy

গ. The rich is not happy always

ঘ. The rich are noy always happy

উত্তর : ঘ. The rich are noy always happy

২৩. What is the synonym of `Incite' ?

ক. Urge

খ. Permit

গ. Instigate

ঘ. deceive

উত্তর : গ. Instigate

২৪. What is the antonym `Honorary' ?

ক. Literary

খ. Honorable

গ. Salaried

ঘ. Official

উত্তর : গ. Salaried

২৫. What is the verb of the word ability ?

ক. Ableness

খ. Enable

গ. ably

ঘ. able

উত্তর : খ. Enable

২৬. Who is poet of the Victorian age ?

ক. Mathew Arnold

খ. Helen keller

গ. Shakespeare

ঘ. Robert Browning

উত্তর : ঘ. Robert Browning

২৭. Who is the author of `For Whom the Bell Tolls' ?

ক. Lord Tennison

খ. Homer

গ. Charles Dickens

ঘ. Ernest Hemingway

উত্তর : ঘ. Ernest Hemingway

২৮. Fill in the blanks He has assured me_______safety ?

ক. with

খ. of

গ. for

ঘ. at

উত্তর : খ. of

২৯. May Allah help you. What kind of sentence is this ?

ক. Assertive

খ. Imperative

গ. Optative

ঘ. Exclamatory

উত্তর : গ. Optative

৩০. A rolling stone gathers no moss. what rolling' is ?

ক. Gerund

খ. Participle

গ. Verbal noun

ঘ. Adjective

উত্তর : ঘ. Adjective

৩১. He has been ill___Friday last. Fill in the blanks.

ক. in

খ. since

গ. from

ঘ. on

উত্তর : খ. since

৩২. Which is the noun of the word beautiful ?

ক. Beautify

খ. Beauty

গ. Beautifully

ঘ. Beautious

উত্তর : খ. Beauty

৩৩. Hold water means -

ক. keep water

খ. Store

গ. Bear examination

ঘ. Drink water

উত্তর : গ. Bear examination

৩৪. Out and out means -

ক. Noat at all

খ. Man of outside

গ. To be last

ঘ. Throughly

উত্তর : ঘ. Throughly


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